How to drive your students crazy in 45 minutes
don’t worry if you arrive for class 10 minutes late and while opening the
classroom door, you start greeting your students with a false smile, from ear
to ear that the only thing it hides it’s a simple: “You’re going to die”. We’re
used to it. Then after more than one attempt of trying to open the door, you
finally reach your goal; get your students into the slaughterhouse.
A few
moments later, you try to open the computer… What happens here? Don’t you have
studied for something? After a huge time of attempts it seems you decide to give
up and you tell us to open our notebooks and books… “Open the book and copy
page 15 while I try to solve the problem with the computer” It was all a cover;
your only objective is just to try to open the computer a few more times.
decide to forget the idea. “Today the computer isn’t working; I’ll read it from
the book”. Bad excuse detected! Well, we can’t be good in all things. Then you
start explaining the vast grammar lesson even if it’s only 15 minutes for the
bell. Everyone in the class, including you, knows you won’t have time to finish
with it. But anyways, lying yourself, you decide to start talking.
its five minutes for the class finish, the horror story is getting to its end…
“Please sit alone; we’re going to do a short test” What the hell? If it’s only
5 minutes for the bell. We start complaining and you, as always, use the
popular reiterate and bad excuse… “I’ll give you time in the break to finish
the exam”. Sorry? It’s my break time, not yours.
when we think it isn’t going to be that wrong, you show us the exam… A ten page
exam that waits for us to write on it. But the best thing is your face while giving
the exams. I think it’s a pleasure face, but for not seeming a bad teacher, you
like to cover it with the same smile you use while you open the door, a killer
clown smile.
to finish the job, while we are taking our things and trying to escape from the
nightmare, you can say: “It has not been so difficult, you can’t complain”. That
is the moment when we start thinking what we have done to deserve that. But who
knows, maybe in a future we will be able to take revenge…
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