The house

The third owner of the house was Dr. Rianoma Joyra, a corrupt politician. He bought the house at the age of 80, when he decided to retire. Before moving he had stolen a lot of money from the citizens.

Someone told him about the curse on the house but he thought that it was just another mystery story.

One evening Joyra was sitting in his office counting money. It was raining cats and dogs and a violent wind was blowing. Suddenly he heard a noise and decided to go and take a look outside. He was quite ignorant and decided to take a look outside. When he took the first step out of the house, a huge lightening impacted on his head. As he was burning, he heard the voice of Professor Eckenthorpe saying, “This is the terrible curse that I brought to this house”.

Resultat d'imatges de haunted house


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