Should we limit tourism to fragile enviroments?

It's well known that our region has stunning places for visitors to spend a holiday. But there is also no dubt that the rise in tourism has damaged the fragile enviroments in our country. Anyways, we know that the increase of visitors leads to an economical increase too. However, despite the benefits, I strongly believe that it would be a mistake not controlling the enormous waves of tourists that visit our country.

In the first place, tourism is not the best way to earn money if it also causes damage and problems to our enviroment. There are other economical sectors that we could develop in order to counter the money lost by the decrase in tourism. In addition, we need to remember that all the damage caused to the enviroment needs to be repaired and it has a cost too. 

Secondly, adding a system of protection in fragile enviroments is not very difficult. In Spain, they've been testing a system in "La Playa de las Catedrales" in Galicia and it seems to be working really well.

In conclusion, I feel we need to apply measures right now. Tourism should only be allowed in fragile enviroments if it is under control.

Roger Viñes Botargues

Resultat d'imatges de toursim


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