Romeo and Juliet
Capulets, one of the most important families in Rome were having a party at their house. Altough having it prohibited, Romeo decided to go to the party. In the party, Romeo met Juliet and they fell in love.
When the party finished, Romeo went to Juliet bedroom and he asked for her hand. Although she was engaged with Sir Paris, she agreed. Then Romeo went to talk with the Friar to agree a secret wedding.
The next day they were happily married, but Juliet's cousin discovered the wedding and he decided to kill Romeo. Juliet's cousin fought with Romeo but he got heavily injured and died. Then Romeo was forced to leave the city.
The next morning Juliet's parents told her she had to marry to Paris. In consequence of that she decides to talk with the Friar to plan a solution. The Friar gives Juliet a sleeping potion to pretend her dead, and the escape and marry Romeo.
Romeo, who didn't know about the plan returned to the city to see Juliet but the only thing he found was her grave. Romeo decided to suicide for love. When Juliet got up and listened the bad news, she took the same road.

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